Need Business and Technology Coaching?

Work With Me


Every entrepreneur should enlist the services of a business coach. Depending on your immediate need, you may have more than one. Each coach may have a different specialty and offer unique insights depending on their background. There is a lot to consider while on this journey, but you don’t have to travel through this journey solo. We’re all in this together.

This entrepreneurial journey requires a lot of us. It is very demanding and can leaving you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and ready to throw in the towel. It can also provide an awesome lifestyle with an indescribable feeling of success, happiness, freedom, empowerment, assertiveness, determination and motivation. You may also feel accomplished as the money starts rolling in and you start to feel the financial security that this career path offers. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, a coach can offer insight to help you fill in the gaps and offer insight to help you catapult your business.

Our Introduction

A 15-minute introductory meeting designed for us to get to know one another and confirm that we are a good match for coaching.


Between coaching sessions e-mail correspondence is a must. Check-in, follow-up, seek clarification and more!


The program will be tailored to address your pain-points, as well as addressing other essential entrepreneurial key-points.

Assignments & accountability

For accountability, you will receive assignments to help you navigate through the start of your entrepreneurial journey.

Target Market (customer avatar)

Who are you targeting? What does your customer-base look like? What problem are you solving for them?

SCHEDULED Quick Check-In

Questions, comments, updates, mini-milestones? Check-in to share your progress between meetings. Must be scheduled in advance.

Coaching sessions will guide you beyond taking the leap into the entrepreneurial lifestyle of your dreams and helping you start and grow your business is my dream. I was raised by an entrepreneur and I’ve also experienced corporate America, so I fully understand your desire to start your own business and be your own boss!

It’s time to level up and grow a business that’ll grow your bank account. Schedule your consult, today!

unlock your potential

1:1 Coaching Packages

Select a coaching package that fits your business needs. Every business owner needs a coach. Let’s chat about your business goals, pain-points, mini-milestones and more. Schedule your complimentary 15-minute consult, today!


Establishing a business and not sure where to start? Do you have more than one business idea, but uncertain about which one to start first? Do you have payment processing methods in place? Are you and your business transferring from state to state? Are you fed up with technology? Frustrated with all of the techy lingo that goes right over your head? Are you ready to overcome your technology hurdles and start making money? Do you need accountability? Let’s create a business strategy to help jump start your business.



Marketing vs. advertising? Are you ready to do both? Does your business need a marketing strategy? Have you set the ultimate goals, but uncertain about how to market to reach them? What is your lead magnet? Do you want to advertise outside of social media? These are just a few ingredients included in your marketing and advertising strategy. Let’s develop a strategy to showcase your business to help generate revenue for your business.

The Entrepreneurship Blueprint: Strategy Session

One & Done Coaching


If you’re not a fan of monthly or weekly coaching this strategy session is for you! This one-time strategy session was created with you in mind! Are you getting started with your business and don’t know where to start? Have you hit a brick wall or grown frustrated with technology? Do you need a jump-start of your marketing plan? Let’s discuss your ultimate business and technology goals.

Schedule your strategy session, today!

Contact us

Have questions? Drop us a line and we will get back to you shortly!